1.Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is an online, unalterable, foolproof, record of all the previous, current and future transactions between two parties. It is a decentralized system for business transactions, which means that no 3rd party or authority is involved to ensure honest dealings rather the Blockchain technology is there to help maintain authenticity through its record-keeping and transparency!

2.Augmented Reality

Unlike VR, where the user is taken to a new dimension. Here virtuality is brought to the real world! And thus a new reality is formulated. Augmented Reality simulates artificial objects in the real environment.

3.Virtual Reality

Virtual Reality (VR) is the use of technology to create a simulated environment to surround yourself with. It tends to place the user inside an experience. Instead of viewing a screen, users are immersed and are made able to interact with the 3D worlds offered.

4.3D Printers

3D printers use an additive manufacturing mode to create a 3D object from a file. Additive manufacturing is layering thin layers of material onto one another successively until the desired object is obtained.

5.Product Reviews

If you have had experiences (good or bad) with any sort of gadget or device, you are free to leave a fair review on it! Make sure you cover all the pros and cons of the device, your overall experience and any suggestions for improvement if you wish to. Here is my product review on Samsung Level U-Wireless Headphones

6. Internet Of Things

IoT basically refers to the connectivity of our digital world. For example, the security cameras, thermostats, speaker systems etc. This is the only topic I haven’t written on yet. Well, here is an idea for me to work on!

7. Game Guides

If you are crazy about video and computer games, why not avail it to earn profits. There are many gaming blogs but you can also post about your favourite games as a tech blogger. Here is my guide series for Dota 2: Dota 2 For Beginners

8. Fat-Freezing Technology

Fat Freezing, scientifically known as ‘Cryolipolysis’, is a non-surgical method of cutting down the extra fat. It is derived from the methodology of ‘Frost Bite’. Only that unlike frostbite the regions to be frozen are selective and controlled. The technology aims to freeze-kill the adipose tissues (fat cells), which are then removed by the body over a period of time naturally.

9. Chat-Bots

What are chatbots? How do they work? How are ChatBots serving us today? And what will be the future of ChatBots? ChatBots such as Siri are examples of artificial Intelligence.

10.Data Encryption

Data Encryption is a process through which our data is made secure for sharing and storing.  


1.blockchain Technology 2.Augmented Reality 3.Virtual Reality 4.3D Printers 5.Product Reviews 6. Internet Of Things 7. Game Guides 8. Fat-Freezing Technology 9. Chat-Bots 10.Data Encryption   Also, See:

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