Facebook has recently released an official statement revealing that the organisation has formed an equity team as part of its broader efforts to track hate speech on Instagram, apologizing for their lack of action to deal with the problem. The explanation is that as the prominence of the pictorial site grows, content has also increased, with an emphasis on awareness of racial, social and civic issues.  The equity team will work on developing goods which are equal and egalitarian. This involves collaborating with our Conscientious AI team to ensure consistency of the algorithms. They’ll also build new innovations that lead to undeserved communities’ needs,” the release said Wednesday.  “We have tightened protection against users who pose specific threats to rape and we will now uninstall any account that makes such threats as soon as we become aware of them, rather than merely deleting the post, “the release said. Furthermore, Facebook said it had revised policies against overt hate speech, such as blackface posts, or Jewish stereotypes. Previously, Facebook and Instagram blocked 23 groups, half of which endorsed white racism, as well as QAnon messages, reportedly spreading a false narrative that Democrats abuse children.  Facebook’s steps represent a new movement that gradually uses Instagram to raise awareness of cultural , political and social issues, the release said. The US Constitution’s First Amendment guarantees Americans’ right to freedom of speech and expression, even expressions that could be found insulting and homophobic.  Facebook implements updates and corrective measures on a daily basis in response to the backlash they got for their lack of prompt action on these concerns. Just how effective these steps prove to be has yet to be seen.