Though, being one of the largest agriculture producing nations, there is an apparent absence of value addition in food items. For instance, despite Pakistan has one of the most abundant livestock bases, the country does not feature in vital places for processed milk production and is almost zero in sectors of cheese and other high-end dairy products. Same is the case in other domains; one hardly gets any food brands originating out of our country. In addition to that, farmers get very low rates for their products while buyers have to purchase at much higher prices and a large sum of money is lost somewhere in between.

Green-Tech Revolution Through Private Agripreneurs

Some serious measures are required to change the situation. Agritech and agripreneurs could be game-changers in the future economy of the country. This, however, needs a change in perspective and requires a focus towards agriculture to render a healthy environment that promotes productivity, technology deployment, value addition, market mechanisms and agribusinesses. Also, there is a necessity to bring the private sector, capital, youth, labour, technology and entrepreneurship to the conventional farms. In the primary phase, the green-tech revolution initiative may emphasize on high-value agriculture items like horticulture, dairy and meats. The potential for urban farming may also be examined as it is has proven to be a promising solution for fresh food supplies. Technology and innovation, both the hardware and software, are fundamental elements for attaining productivity gains in agriculture. The main problem is access to such kind of technologies and the cost-benefit equation. Through the intended green-tech revolution initiative, the government may promote the private sector to develop or implement innovative technologies in agriculture for a better green future. Check out? World Bank Supports Clean and Green Power in Pakistan