After their first global flagship launch in Shenzhen last year, the Shanghai store is located in a second-class art-deco-style structure, the flagship ‘s development took only six months from the beginning of February this year, despite the original coronavirus epidemic, and is estimated to have invested more than $42 million in its development. Formerly, Forever 21 held the same space on Nanjing East Road and sits across Apple ,Samsung, Gucci and the like. The strip is part of an extension project, connecting the pedestrian site with the Bund.
The three-story tower extends about 5,000 square meters (equivalent to the scale of a small to medium-sized shopping mall), rendering it bigger than any of the world’s Apple shops! In addition to its remotely operated store in Wuhan, the new Huawei flagships have proven that the brand not only triumphs over its American counterpart in smartphone rankings, but also over retail experience. Because of its strong growth, China’s retail sector already surpasses the states and is only projected to regain its leadership role in the next two years.