According to Indian authorities, the measure was meant to enforce security in the disputed territory. However. this brutal act of the Indian government has affected the lives of Kashmiris adversely. It also cut off businesses and other facilities that needed at least some high-speed internet to thrive.

India Restores Some of Kashmir’s 4G Internet

“The high-speed mobile data services in the districts of Ganderbal and Udhampur shall be restored forthwith, on a trial basis,” a government statement said on Sunday, adding the internet speed would continue to be restricted in other cities. But it is not certain that when restrictions in other areas would be removed. The government ordered that the “trial” will last until September 8, and high-speed internet will be available on postpaid mobile phones only. Numerous human rights groups have repeatedly urged India to restore full internet access in the disputed region, Kashmir was without internet for 213 days until it was restored on March 4. According to the Internet Shutdown Tracker, India has shut down the internet more times than any other country in recent years, with more than 100 shutdowns reported last year. The committee, headed by the central home secretary, recommends “calibrated easing of internet restrictions in comparatively less sensitive geographical areas.” Recommended Reading: The State of Internet Freedom Around the World