The success story of twin sister begins, when both were exposed to Microsoft Learn platform which included apps and resources that would lead them to create their very first Microsoft Power Platform app—an expense tracker that reads data from an Excel spreadsheet and helps users create a budget. Their father stimulated their interest in software as he was forced to work from home during the COVID-19 lockdown. They started learning about software from there and learned basic programming by themselves. Even after their schooling resumed, they continued to build on their interest in programming and started replicating applications gaining experience from the web in their free time and build expense management solutions for their father. The Microsoft Power Platform is one of the world’s leading platforms for low-code applications and business intelligence, and one of the core pillars of the Microsoft cloud offering. The Platform is widely used across the globe as most effective way to develop customize software applications and transforming the way people solve real life problems with the help of technology. The Power Platform certification is meant for individuals that want to build solutions for their organizations using the Microsoft Power Platform. It enables individuals to automate business processes, perform data analytics, and integrate artificial intelligence to build new solutions. Microsoft Education Lead for Pakistan, Mr. Jibran said “Microsoft believes in empowering people of all ages to bring best out of them in term of creativity and innovative solutions with the help of Technology. Microsoft has long history of nurturing creative minds by offering user-friendly technological platforms that are easy to use even at early age. Microsoft continue to strive for intelligent solutions that have early adoption to prepare next generation of Tech savvy”. However, these exceptionally highly intellectual girls are not the first Pakistanis to achieve this high success at a very small age rather Arfa Karim was only nine years old when she became the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional (MCP) in the world. She was also the youngest recipient of the Pride of Performance award in Pakistan, and her name was entered in the Guinness Book of World Records.