Microsoft’s New Strategy: Shutting Down Almost Every Retail Store

The company has lately made an announcement in which it briefed that it is operating on a “new approach” to retail. It incorporates the shutdown of their physical locations while shifting to online stores. The retail stores that will remain open will be converted into “Microsoft Experience Centers” where everyone will be able to visit, interact with products, and take courses. The announcement further entails that: The COVID-19 pandemic has forced every store owner to sift towards online practices. Although the company’s strategy to go full virtual seems to have begun for a while now, the COVID-19 pandemic did gently nudge them towards their ambition. In addition to that, it allowed them to assess the services their teams could render from a distance. Microsoft has also addressed the serious issue of their current employees facing unemployment. These employees will now be transferred to Microsoft’s corporate facilities where they will remotely work in different domains. Check out? Microsoft’s Most Famous Racing Franchise is Now Available on iOS and Android Phones