Since Chrome has now become the king, Mozilala has called dout to Google sheding light on the anticompetitive practices that were the reason behind firefox downfall. About this, Mozilla has released a report revealing how Google, Apple and Microsfot influenced users for thiet own benefits. According to report, they have made it difficult for users to switch to another browser through difficult integration.

Mozilla blames Google Chrome- Will it be able to Regain its Position?

When users used to access Google from non chrome browser, a prompt message users to appear asking users to download Chrome. If you are windows users, you would have come across Microsoft’s notification to get you to use Edge. No doubt, these strategies are beneficial but leads to unfair competition against third parties like Mozilla. No doubt, Mozilla is right to some extent. These anticompetitive practices are increasing these days and posing problems for other browsers. Howevoer nothing can be done about it. Reason: Everyone is doing businesses and these practices cannot be termed wrong wrt any law. It mean though we know that Chrome users false techniques inorder to gather users but since nothing can be done, Mozilla need to find more ways and new features in order to make users switch to its platform. Also Read: A Dangerous Google Chrome Bug has been discovered