Now Google Assistant Can Read WhatsApp, Telegram & Slack Messages

To get this new feature, you need to activate Google Assistant on your Android phone, and say the command ‘read my messages’. To check this feature if it works for you or not, by activating Google Assistant, make sure that you have unread messages waiting in your notifications for this to work.

How does it work?

The messages will be picked by Google Assistant one after the other and read it out loud for you. It will display the message in the form of a card for you. It will also let you know from who the message is and from which app, and ask you if you are willing to hear it or not. If you say ‘yes’ then it will read the message for you loudly. If the message is containing any of audio, video, or an image, then the Assistant will simply say that ‘the message contains an audio/video/ or a photo’, and it will not play the media. It will also ask you for the reply if you are willing to. You only have to speak your message, and Assistant will convert it into text and send it to the group/individual. Recommended Reading: Google Assistant Takes Charge of ‘Voice search’ in Google app