PTA in an attempt to clarify the misconception regarding the increased taxes has Tweeted that PTA as an organization only offers Device Identification and Registration Database (DIRBS) system for mobile device registration and that too without any extra charges for the facilitation of the general public. In its defense the PTA further added that the tax collecting process and tax collecting procedure are completely different from one another and the collecting process has nothing to do with the collecting procedure. PTA clearly stated that they only provide technical support in the form of DIRBS, via which the customers register their devices so the use it in Pakistan. The Tax collecting entity is the Federal Board of Revenue (FBR). The FBR is solely in-charge of collecting taxes from different operating bodies, across the country. Thus the taxes and duties that are collected by FBR and they are imposed by the Federal Board of Revenue, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority further added in their defense. Check also: Mobile Phone Tax Calculator Furthermore PTA shared the Federal Board of Revenue’s website (URL) for further information that may be needed regarding the taxes or duties of mobile devices and phones. The revised taxes have greatly increased. The purchase of new high end mobiles is way out of the purchasing power of an ordinary salaried individual. Also Read: PTA barred Starlink to pre-book orders from Pakistani users