While the ICT industry is in the midst of reshaping as it adopts new technologies and embraces 5G, operators and service providers are looking to gain possible competitive advantages in a saturated market. New trends such as Cloud computing and autonomous cars need new network architecture and new network slicing to meet the challenges.

PTCL Carrier of Carriers

The ‘Do-it-yourself’ method of sourcing networks doesn’t always work – especially with big bandwidth requirements, that’s where Carriers services have huge benefits and seem appealing to just about every company needing high capacity services. Telecom carriers are authorized by regulatory agencies to operate telecommunications systems. Carrier networks are made up of large, complex configurations of hardware, interconnected to provide communications services to people spread over large geographic areas. As the leading carriers’ carrier in the country, PTCL provides a host of interconnection services including Leased Media, IP Bandwidth, Colocation, interconnection for traffic exchange, tower sharing, power and other managed services to operators.

  We provide all carrier services, right from inter-connects and tele housing to DPLC and IPLC connectivity. Our interconnect services are provided from our 3200 exchange locations that connect your carriers networks domestically, in addition to providing IPLC bandwidths to connect you internationally through our four international gateways and SEA-ME-WE3, SEA-ME-WE4 and IMEWE submarine cable. Furthermore, to provide connectivity to operators in the extreme remote areas of the country, PTCL launched its state of the art satellite services. PTCL satellite service is provided using the Intelsat Satellite System, an undisputed leader in satellite communications. The hunger for data seems insatiable, and this will continue as a key focus area for all ICT players. Developments in network infrastructure and hardware must keep pace with consumer and business demands if the industry is to deliver on the expected roll-out of 5G in just a few years’ time. Where traditional providers cannot deliver, new players are entering the fray. Large technology companies that are consuming huge volumes of data are beginning to invest in the infrastructure needed to support this in a bid to guarantee their future success.

Finally, the trend for innovation in the wholesale market must continue if these businesses wish to remain buoyant. The traditional play has been disrupted and there is little which can be done to reverse declining voice revenues. Wholesale business and revenue growth will thus depend on two things: establishing new services and gaining new customers. We’ve seen the sector’s movement into the provision of things like interconnection and hubbing, fraud prevention, cloud services, and mobility, and no doubt other such services offerings will spring up as demands change. It is now up to the traditional telecoms industry to keep pace, or else fall behind the risk-averse, dynamic digital players.

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