This news has come from Jane Manchun Wong who said that by adding a reply downvotes screen, the company will facilitate users with downvoting a reply which they do not like. This feature will be made available to some of the users soon as a part of testing. The tweet below shows Twitter introducing this new feature and revealing that this option is not launched to show the dislike among the reply or the person who has done it in fact it is just to measure the relevancy of the reply under the tweet.

— Jane Manchun Wong (@wongmjane) November 24, 2021 YouTube also offers this time of functionality but here the difference is that downvotes are entirely private, and when the user gives this kind of feedback, Twitter does not reveal their identity. Also, the author of the tweet will not know about it. Moreover, these dislike votes will not affect the ranking of the tweet as well. This feature can make the tweet more engaging as more people will come to show their likes dislikes and relevancy regarding the replies on the tweet, so in one way or another it will bring more users. Also Read: Sharing Someone’s Personal Photos & Videos without Consent is Prohibited on Twitter