According to a MarketWatch survey, analysts predict that chips will continue to be in short supply till 2022. In the worldwide shortage, we have seen almost every industry where the end product uses a chip, with automobile, PC hardware, and gaming consoles hit hardest. Covid-19 and the stay-at-home orders were the main issues. When everything from marriage halls to cinemas pauses trade, with much of the world unexpectedly transitioning to remote jobs, and home-based entertainment becoming the norm and reached unprecedented levels. The car industry is an example of an industry suffering due to the ongoing chip shortage, with auto producers struggling to begin production due to a lack of chip supply. In addition, while the demand for mobile chipsets for smartphones was projected to increase last year, there was no increase in demand for PC-based chips. The semiconductor industry has recently been working to fit chips into places that have never fitted before, so over time the manufacturing process has become more complicated.

Although all this could be good news for chipmakers who have seen their stock prices increase, as attempts to buy the latest chips prove fruitless, it leaves customers disappointed.

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